Caregiving is the hardest job I've ever done! I started this blog because I wanted to share all our hard-earned learning about life as caregiver and patient, wife and husband. My husband Larry has Multiple System Atrophy, a rare progressive, terminal neurodegenerative disease, with no treatment and no cure. We have navigated the progression together and learned how to be present to both living and dying. All the artwork is mine, done in response to our situation.
What's Here
Resources Page: I have lots of tips on managing symptoms as well as information about both Multiple System Atrophy and Parkinson's Disease
Blog Posts: You can go to the Blog Page for the posts in chronological order starting with most recent, or you can click on the categories listed on the right of this page for posts related to Caregiver Emotions, Self Care, Managing Symptoms, Dealing with Healthcare, Qaulity of Life and more.
About Us: I write a bit about our lives before this disease changed our journey so profoundly.
Becoming a Caregiver: My role as a caregiver has evolved and I describe it on this page.

Larry and Nancy Before